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Friday, February 20, 2015

Melody Bar Classic-Era Reunion 2015: Here It Comes!

The Melody Bar, the celebrated New Brunswick club whose legendary status belies its tiny (and since repurposed) physical footprint, will be celebrated once again Saturday night (2/21) with classic music, dancing, and oh let's not forget drinking.

The soiree will once again happen at the New Brunswick Elks Lodge on Livingston Ave. in New Brunswick, only a few blocks from the original site. Here's why the location's perfect: it features a classically mid-20th Century cocktail space of the sort that was overlaid with wonderfully bizarre art at the original Melody Bar. It is, however, far larger, and will happily accommodate the hundreds that are expected to appear.

Music and associated revelry will begin precisely at 7pm and will shut down at midnight, so get there ASAP for your spot on the dance floor; the line's already formed. Music will be provided by (in rough order) myself, Pat Pierson, Lisa Uber, Ed Wong, Pete Santiago and Andrew Prescott, and may also feature another Melody Bar legend who shall remain nameless, except to say that his coiffure's not gonna be Matty, love.

It's a private party, so the door policy is set thusly: you must have been 21 by 1992 to get in. (However, it's as porous as the door policy was in 1992, so if you knew how to get in, you know how to get in. Questions can be addressed to the Feedback link above.)

Your cost will be $10 at the door, and all proceeds go to the charity preferred by Big John, our sadly departed doorman, who volunteered at Camp Nejeda, providing a fun environment for diabetic children. It's a worthy cause, and the time you'll have besides is a massive bonus.

Will it be as fun as the (admittedly legendary) SNL40 after-party? Yes, because you'll actually be AT this party.

See you there.


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